Increase speed 10% for 2 turns. Step 16: Use the line on the far right as a guide to draw the leg on this side of the Indominus rex's body.Sketch lightly as you follow the basic path of the guide. One handler called the Indoraptor the "Stealth fighter jet of dinosaurs," This member of the Chimeridae family is extremely intelligent and can echolocate.. Gen 2. 124. Welcome to! Step 13: Draw the rest of the head using the initial shapes as guides. Increase speed by 10% for 2 turns. Mutual Fury Cleanse. Choose one of the animals below for a how-to video and step-by-step instructions. CONGRATULATIONS! Draw in the second arm and claw. How to Draw an Indominus Rex Part 2. Reduce opponent's damage by 50% for 1 turn. Increase speed 10% for 2 turns. Step 4. Draw the tongue as a curved line between the open mouth. Follow the basic path of the guides as you draw the horn-like bumps on the Indominus rex's head. Indominus rex was the latest attraction in Jurassic World. share. Now draw in the second hind leg and claw. About This Creature Gen 1. The indentations created by the skull are deep, so add a dark value in the circles on the Indominus rex's head. Cleanse. Either don't do this bullshit tournaments anymore or add a freaking "surrender" option. How to Draw an Indominus Rex Part 3. It can communicate with raptors and cloak! That means when a product is purchased through my links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Add to Favourites. Step 7: Draw a couple of lines on the right side as a guide for the Indominus rex's tail.Curve the lines and have them come to a point on the right side. Cloak Priority. Step 8. I participate in some affiliate programs. Comment. This intensely aggressive and intelligent hybrid stands 13 feet tall and measures 50 feet in length. 103. save hide report.

Bypass armor. Only the visible portion. Time now to add the firstarm and claw. Re-draw any final sketch lines that you may have accidentally erased. Defense Shattering Rampage Deal 2x damage. This creature's light scales are reflective, and are used to blind her prey before devouring them. The source of the DNA used to create this GEN 2 is hinted at in her pigmentation.

75% chance to dodge 66% of direct damage for 1 turn. Armor Piercing Rampage Deal 2x damage. Step 15: Use the other line on the left as a guide to draw the front arm on the other side of the Indominus rex's body.Part of the arm is blocked by the other arm and body, so don't draw the whole thing.

Step 7. YOU’VE DRAWN AN INDOMINUS REX! Gen 2. Step 6. Dartable Indominus Rex Gen 2 and Indoraptor Gen 2 last week. Increase damage 50% for 1 opponent turn, 2 turns for self. Final Step: Add some shading to your drawing to give it more dimension and volume. Dartable Echo and Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 this week. ... A day or two late but here's a drawing for JWA'S 2nd bday! 3 comments. JWTG DinoHybrid Indominus Rex Gen 2. The hybrid was created by combining the genetic traits of multiple species.

Gen 1. I participate in some affiliate programs. Gain 50% chance of dodge for 2 turns. Destroy shields. Deal 1x damage bypassing evasive abilities. Increase damage 50% for 1 opponent turn, 2 turns for self. Experiment with DeviantArt’s own digital drawing tools.

Click Here For Step 7. Step 5. The animals are listed in alphabetical … Posted by 2 days ago. Step 12: Draw the skin that attaches the top and bottom jaw as a series of lines.

Next attack will deal 2x damage.

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