Tap Passwords. At the top right, click Profile Syncing to [email]. To find this new option, click menu > Settings in Chrome. Whenever I close my browser, it signs me out of Chrome. If you don’t see the option here, you’re probably not using Chrome 70 yet. Click menu > Help > About Google Chrome to manually check for …

It keeps me logged into Gmail, Facebook, whatever else, but it logs me out of Chrome itself - and because I'm using a Toshiba, it opens up a Toshiba start-up screen every time I open a new browser despite resetting my …

Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings page and click “Advanced.” Toggle the “Allow Chrome Sign-in” option here off. Then, tap Settings. Tap on the three dots icon on the upper right side of the screen. However, you can manually turn it off by following these steps. Turn off Keep local data only until you quit the browser. At the bottom click Advanced Content Settings Cookies.

Tap the check box beside Auto Sign-in to remove the check mark. Open your Google Chrome App. Only use 1 Google account for each Chrome profile, as a rule. At the top right, click More Settings.

I was often being asked to sign in to my accounts whenever I opened a new tab as Chrome didn’t know which account I wanted. On your computer, open Chrome. But, if you do care, Google now gives you a choice. Just started happening to me 2 days ago when I updated to Version 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit) and now it happens on every instance of chrome I use on every different device. Lots of Google beginners fall into the trap of having 2 different accounts signed into one Chrome profile; including me. Turn off saved passwords in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Windows Internet Explorer. And that’s good news.

“From now on, every time you log into a Google property (for example, Gmail),” Chrome will automatically sign the browser into your Google account for you,” Green warned. Under "People," click Turn off Turn off. 1. If Google continues to have this security issue, I will be forced to discontinue use of Chrome and support of Google sign … On your computer, open Chrome.

These tips can help you stop non-Google accounts from automatically signing you in.

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