Current mirror is a two port circuit, designed to generate a scaled replica of an input current at a high-impedance output node. RAJ et al. 7. The high-swing cascode current mirror of the present invention achieves both a high output resistance and an optimum compliance voltage independent of current level, temperature, power supply voltage and semiconductor process parameters. High-swing cascode current mirror CCM.
: SELF-BIASED HIGH SWING CASCODE CURRENT MIRROR 247 3 Proposed Current Mirror In deep submicron technology, the conventional two transistor based current mirror does not fulfill the required performance of ideal current mirror. Fig. 6. Detail of experimental output characteristics of the current mirrors in strong inversion (i = 100). A self-biasing high-swing cascode technique, illustrated in Figure 2b, uses a resistor to develop a bias voltage. A Low Loss Wide Swing Cascode Current Mirror in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology
The current mirror can be used to mirror accurately a reference current which may be fixed or vary in time. The short channel MOS device often results high output conductance and hence poor current matching. 6. Fig. A novel low voltage self-biased high swing cascode current mirror (SHCCM) employing bulk-driven NMOS transistors is proposed in this paper. In my opinion, the bottom transistor can be minimum length because its Vds doesn't change much due to the buffer of cascode transistor above, while the cascode transistor should use longer length because it can see large Vds change. Trying to determine on the transistor size here. High-swing Cascode High-swing Cascode Regulated Cascode High-swing Cascode Principle of operation; The voltage increase shifts V DS1 enough to bias M3 without operating M2 out of saturation. By varying the input current from 0 to 500 μA it is observed that the output current variation is 25 % more in the proposed technique. Relationship between normalized aspect ratio and inversion level. Fig. 2. The change results in more swing at the output c Advanced Analog Building Blocks: Current mirrors 18 / 24 The voltage drop across the resistor is maintained slightly larger than VDSAT of the cascode devices. A modified resistance compensated self bised high swing cascode current mirror is proposed in this work. 5. The circuit is simulated in Cadence Specter RF using CMOS 90nm technology with 1V supply. Wide-Swing Current Mirrors 2 It is proven that if both of the following conditions are satisfied, then all ... •Precise Current Mirror •High Output-Swing ... Folded-Cascode Opamp without wide-swing current source 18. Detail of experimental output characteristics of the current mirrors in moderate inversion (i = 10). 9. Fig. Relationship between normalized aspect ratio and inversion level. M 2. Folded-Cascode Opamp (pmos-input) 19. 5. Fig. Detail of experimental output characteristics of the current mirrors in I am designing a typical cascode high swing NMOS current mirror. Self-biased high swing cascode current mirror. It keeps the output current constant regardless of loading. A conventional high-swing cascode current mirror, shown in Figure 2a, requires power- consuming cascode bias circuitry. The comparison with the conventional circuit reveals that the proposed bulk-driven circuit operates at lower voltages and provides enhanced bandwidth with improved output resistance. 8. Fig. High-swing cascode current mirror CCM. Fig.