A groin strain commonly occurs due to a sudden contraction of the groin muscles often when they are in a position of stretch. If you experience soreness, a strain, or a tear in your groin, you must take steps to heal. The exact incidence of groin muscle strains in most sports is unknown because athletes often play through minor groin pain and the injury goes unreported. Apply ice for 10-15 minutes to the affected area a few times a day. The 4 Best Stretching Exercises to Ease Groin Pain Standing Groin Stretch Exercise. The symptoms will depend on how badly you've pulled your groin but may include: A popping or snapping feeling during the injury, followed by severe pain. Short adductor stretch Groin stretches performed with bent knees will target the short groin muscles. The majority of groin strains are grade 2. Vigorous workout or an injury to the groin muscles causes pain and stiffness. Pain when you bring your legs together. Gently press down with the elbows onto the knees to increase the stretch. Pain and tenderness in the groin and the inside of your thigh. Hip adductor stretch: Lie on your back. Seated Groin Stretch. A sudden sharp pain is felt which can range from a mild to very severe. You are aiming to stretch the bag leg’s hip flexor and groin muscles. If it is painful then stop.

Stand with your legs wide apart. This can be hard with a groin strain, so focus on the rest and ice. Scroll down! Stretch gently and avoid any pain. Yoga stretching and light exercises can help reduce pain and improve flexibility. The most commonly affected muscle involved in a strained groin is the adductor longus muscle. Avoid aggravating the injury site. Groin Strain Exercises; Text Size. Bend your knees and put your feet flat on the floor. A groin strain injury can occur due to overuse, sports, or strenuous activities. You can begin stretching your groin muscles right away. Groin strains are also known from other sports such as ice hockey, running, tennis, rugby, American football, basketball and others. Groin strain accounts for 11% to 16% of all soccer injuries. This simple stretch, sometimes called the butterfly stretch, stretches the groin and inner thigh. Here we explain the symptoms, causes, treatment, and exercises for a groin muscle strain. What Causes Adductor Strain? Print. Shift your weight to the left. View image. Often a strained groin will be the result of failing to warm-up or stretch properly before running or playing a sport that involves sprinting. There are three degrees of groin strains: Grade 1 A grade 1 groin strain occurs when the muscle is overstretched or torn, damaging up to 5 percent of the muscle fibers. Causes of a groin strain. If you have pain while doing these exercises, you should not do them. Rotate the trunk (upper body) to the same side as your front leg. A groin strain often occurs in people who play football or hockey. All stretches must be performed pain-free and do not push too hard. Share. It is often referred to as a ‘pulled groin muscle’, or a ‘groin pull’. A groin strain is a tear of the adductor muscles on the inside of the thigh. What are the symptoms of groin strain? This article lists 15 best groin exercises and stretches to strengthen the groin muscles, reduce pain, and improve range of motion. Depending on the degree of the strain, it may take a few weeks or several months for the pain to resolve.

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