Do not worry about it. Hi, I noticed that I have an indentation on the very bottom of my left butt cheek. Premium Questions. Sudden indent upper buttocks . To simulate a backward fall onto the buttocks, a dynamic, 1-dimensional, 6-df lumped-parameter model of the upper body and pelvis was created.The model was verified by comparing it with experimental data from 10 human subjects in our previous experimental study who fell onto their buttocks.

The most popular bodybuilding message boards! Dent buttock fall Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. Answered by : Dr. Mihail … It kind of dips in and makes my butt look uneven because just the left one has this indentation. When an indentation remains after the swollen skin is pressed, this is called pitting edema. MD. I fell down my stairs last year hitting the edge so hard that it resulted in a huge hematoma that took a month to heal but a bump and dent that never went away. Edema refers to visible swelling caused by a buildup of fluid within tissues. For anyone who's fallen and hit some stairs pretty hard resulting in a bump that never went away.. After injury due to less use of muscle at the site of impact due to pain, muscle sometime get atrophied and indentation occurs. I saw a dr who explained that I literally fractured the fat on my rear end, leaving scar tissue that would never heal.

Started a month ago and has become increasingly large and deep. Do muscle strengthening exercises (gluteal muscle) to build up the muscle and to get rid of your indentation gradully. Sudden indentation on buttock, no pain or discoloration. An indentation has suddenly appeared in my right buttock about two inches across and a half inch XXXXXXX No pain and not really noticable skin discoloration or change in texture. I have an indentation on the URQ of my right buttock .

Overview. Buttock Injuries Information While the buttocks are often thought of as just an area to take a seat on, the strong muscles in the buttocks are highly involved in many leg and hip movements and can cause significant pain when injured.

The patient had undergone extensive workup in the eleven months preceding his reporting to our centre, which included X-Ray hip joint and lumbar … Seems to have appeared... View answer. The athlete with history of fall on buttock while playing hockey match, seen by an orthopaedic surgeon and given the diagnosis of sciatica, multiple hip muscle tears and sacroilitis and he had a complete workup done for tuberculosis of spine. What might be happening? Hello, Thanks for posting your query, This indentation is due to atrophy of the gluteal muscle at the site of impact.

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